Orcaestra and abroad tour
Orcaestra. 2018 tour
comedies, tragedies in three times (past, present, future)
or also
dances, jumps and waves of the three times
Orchestra, from the Greek orkhḗstra, "space for the evolutions of the choir".
The ORCÆSTRA is a living organism that swallows music and then composes it again, lighter, so as to blow it ever further.
Saturday 7th July 2018 started ORCÆSTRA, Vinicio Capossela's new summer tour; the singer-songwriter would be accompanied by Filarmonica Arturo Toscanini, alternated with Orchestra del Teatro Massimo di Palermo. Both orchestras were directed by Stefano Nanni, who is also the author of the arrangments and a close collaborator of Capossela. The tour has been made possible by International Music and Arts.
Vinicio Capossela's music, with its variety and armonic complexity, always suited unusual ensembles and music sheets written by amazing composers. Along with the orchestra, his music gets wider, becoming a labyrinth, words get lost between brass, woods and violins in a fascinating music journey.
Just like huge water animals, ORCÆSTRA swallows music: from Capossela's classics like «Marajà» or «Pryntyl», to the most unusual ones like «Stanco e perduto» and «Nostos», the orchestra elevates them and then spits them out in the form of a song odyssey, Capossela's twenty five years long odyssey.
«It is unusual that the name of the orchestra comes from the physical space that was dedicated to dancing. In Greek theater, comedies, tragedies were sublimated in music.
This concert, with the orchestra, is a fracture in profitable time. What an amazing non-economic act... Playing songs that were born with just an instrument... With fifty musicians! It is the conquest of the useless. The greatest lightness through the toughest effort.»
Vinicio Capossela
The director
Stefano Nanni says:
«When Vinicio first told me about this new artistic project, I immediately understood how he loved the "symphonic dimension" from the passion with which he was talking about it. It is a territory that I personally consider far from his original conception of music and sound, so wonderfully free from conventions. But just as opposites attract, Vinicio's onirical and visionary dimension gets on really well with the strict form that produces the sound of a symphonic orchestra.
Finding a balance in this middle land is anything but easy, but once you enter there it produces surprising results. The wooden piano and Vinicio's vibrant voice sail between waves of sounds and instruments, disappearing and re-emerging like Aivazonvsky's "ninth wave". I think that some of his most famous songs will get into another dimension thanks to a different tonal highlight, but leaving their poetry unaffected.»
Il musicologo
Nello sviluppo artistico di Vinicio Capossela, come da lui stesso ricordato e riconosciuto, la musica classica ha avuto un ruolo centrale: la ricerca di un pianoforte, l'aiuto dei musicisti che l'hanno visto crescere giorno dopo giorno, la varietà del suono prodotto da un'orchestra sinfonica hanno contribuito efficacemente a formare la sua solidità compositiva, così tanto apprezzata oggi.
Di questo lavoro osmotico con l'Orchestra Arturo Toscanini di Parma, che gratifica l'immaginario di un compositore avveduto e curioso quale si dimostra Vinicio Capossela, presentiamo il secondo capitolo, che si sostanzia in questo tour estivo 2018.
Individuare le sfumature e la ricchezza timbrica offerta in questo contesto, partendo dal materiale noto delle sue composizioni più riuscite, diventa un esercizio piacevole e stimolante. La validità dell'idea musicale originaria è messa in risalto dallo sviluppo e dalla declinazione operata negli arrangiamenti, brillantemente curati da Stefano Nanni, che conferiscono una nuova veste a tanta abbondanza creativa. In ogni cammeo di questo prezioso florilegio si avverte particolarmente l'immagine di un colore dominante, quasi a sottolineare ulteriormente la messe di stimoli prodotti da una musica mai scontata e dai testi originali e ricchi di pathos. Si ha l'impressione che le atmosfere già impregnate di una cifra artistica compiuta si amplifichino, grazie all'orchestra, fino ad assumere un carattere così preciso da ritenere siano state concepite per una scrittura propriamente classica.
Visitare questo terreno, così insidioso per molti musicisti e compositori che evitano un confronto diretto col mondo “classico”, è motivo di grande soddisfazione per Vinicio Capossela e un'esperienza artistica e professionale di indubbio valore. Oltre a essere un diversivo per il vasto pubblico che lo segue abitualmente, il concerto offre indubbiamente molti spunti di interesse, suscitando quella maraviglia secentesca, ricordata dal compositore stesso, che perpetua la sensazione di sorpresa propria della musica nella sua più alta espressione.
Tour dates
These were the tour dates with Toscanini Filarmonica:
7th July / Como / Arena del Teatro Sociale
12th July / Palermo / Teatro di Verdura (with l’Orchestra del Teatro Massimo di Palermo)
14th July / Taormina / Teatro Antico (with l’Orchestra del Teatro Massimo di Palermo)
15th July / Noto (SR) / Scalinata della Cattedrale (with l’Orchestra del Teatro Massimo di Palermo)
17th July / Verbania / Teatro Il Maggiore
21st July / Gardone Riviera (BS) / Anfiteatro del Vittoriale
24th July / Macerata / Sferisterio
28th July / Forte dei Marmi (LU) / Villa Bertelli
31st July / San Gimignano (SI) / Piazza Duomo
4th August / Rimini / Nuova Darsena
The announcement
The concert at Gardone Riviera went sold out. This is how Capossela announced it. Video by Jacopo Leone. With Peppe Leone.
South American tour
In February 2018 Vinicio Capossela played two shows in South America, thanks to the booking agency Musicalista:
18th February / Santiago del Cile (Chile) / Womad
19th February / Buenos Aires (Argentina) / Usina de l'Arte
During these performances, he played a tribute to his all time heroes, who are traditional singers like Goyeneche, Troilo, Mercedes Sosa and Victor Jara, songs that he previously performed during his 1999 tour «Parole d'altrove», but without releasing them.
Capossela's relationship and admiration for South American music and culture started a long time ago, when he used to go to Florida club in Modena, founded by Chilean people on exile because of Pinochet's dictatorship. Through these people he discovered literature, music, poetry, political engagement and even love. Songs such as «La regina del Florida», «Ultimo amore», «Camminante», «Che coss’è l’amor», «E allora mambo» were inspired by that period.
However, Capossela never actually visited Chile nor Argentina before the 2018 shows.
Indonesian tour
Still in 2018, after the South American tour, Vinicio Capossela performed in Indonesia for the following dates:
6th March / Kuala Lumpur
7th March / Bangkok
9th March / Jakarta